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Non-emergency 727-893-7780

Employment - Telecommunicator


Competitive Salary

Salaries for all positions are competitive with any other law enforcement agency in the state.

Insurance / Health Plans

The current Health Plan is United Health Care (two options available). Dental Plan and Vision Plans are available. New employees are eligible after 90 days of employment.

Dental and Vision Insurance

Dental and vision insurance is available for all St. Petersburg Police Department employees at group rates.
Eligibility: First month following 90 days of employment

Life Insurance

Life Insurance is available through the City at a low and high option paid for by the employee. The City provides $10,000 in Life Insurance for each employee at no cost.

Direct Deposit of Paycheck

Available to any banking institution or credit union.
Eligibility: Immediately

Annual Leave

Employees receive 120 hours of annual leave each of the first five years, as well as accruing extended illness leave. No vacations are permitted during the first six months of employment.
Eligibility: As accrued

Holiday Leave

There are 11 paid holidays per year. Holiday leave can be taken as accrued.
Eligibility: Immediately

Funeral Leave

Up to 5 work days for in-state and up to 10 days out-of-state
Eligibility: Immediately

Military Leave

Up to 240 hours per year for serving your annual military reserve or National Guard obligation.
Eligibility: Immediately


Unlimited use of the agency's well-equipped workout room

Credit Union

Credit Union privileges for the employee and his/her family
Eligibility: Immediately

Pension Plan

Vested at 5 years, fully vested after 17 years
Eligibility: As stated

Dress Code

The dress standard for the Emergency Communications Division is business casual. The purpose of a business casual dress policy is to project a professional image while taking advantage of more casual and relaxed clothing. For new employees, business casual includes blouses or shirts with collars and jeans, slacks, or skirts. Once released from training, uniform shirts will be ordered and are required to be worn with jeans, slacks or skirts.

Tattoos on the hands, face, neck, and scalp are prohibited.

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