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Non-emergency 727-893-7780

Employment - Telecommunicator

Application Process

STEP 1: Online Application Submission

All non-sworn applications for employment must be submitted through the City’s online application system at . A resume must also be attached to the online application.

Paper applications and/or emailed applications will not be accepted.


The names of the PST Trainee applicants will be forwarded to the Communications Training Office.


Based on the responses provided on the application, the Communications Training Unit will invite all applicants meeting the minimum selection standards for civilians within the police department to take a skills assessment test (CritiCall).


Applicants with the top testing scores will be asked to attend an interview. After this interview, a determination will be made as to the applicant’s qualifications for a communications position. Applicants continued in the hiring process will be scheduled to monitor in the ECD to gain more perspective on the duties, expectations, and work environment.


Applicants continued in the employment process after the interview phase will be required to complete a Personal History Questionnaire. Failure to complete the entire questionnaire and to submit all the required documents will delay the employment process.

The following is a list of forms and documents that are required:

  • Birth Certificate - Government issued (i.e. State, County, etc.)
  • Naturalization Certificate (if applicable): The original Certificate must be presented for review, as Federal Law prohibits copying the certificate.
  • Social Security Card
  • High School Diploma or State-Issued GED Certificate and (1) Official High School Transcript
  • Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
  • Divorce Decree(s) (if applicable)
  • Valid Driver’s License
  • Selective Service Card (if applicable)
  • Military Records Request and DD214 - Member - 4 - Copy (if applicable)
  • Any other certificates that may reflect job qualifications should also be submitted.
  • Notarized waivers included in the pre-employment packet.
  • Background investigation worksheet
  • Non-Military waiver or affidavit
  • Final disposition of any arrest (felony or misdemeanor) issued by the applicable court and a police report. This would include an expungement, sealed record, dismissal of charges, etc. All domestic related cases whether complainant or accused. Other sources for obtaining this information would be personal records, personal attorney, arresting agency, county clerk's office.
  • Bankruptcy discharge including list of creditors, if applicable.


Upon receiving the information in Recruitment and Screening, it will be reviewed and the applicant will be contacted if additional information is needed or be scheduled to continue in the process.


If applicant is continued, the next step will be to review the Personal History Questionnaire with a background investigator.


If continued, a polygraph examination will be scheduled. The examination will be conducted at police headquarters.


Following the successful completion of the polygraph, a representative from the police department will contact the applicant in reference to their eligibility for employment. The applicant may be placed on an eligibility list or offered conditional employment based on the results of a psychological exam, hearing test and vision test. (Note: The psychological exam includes both a written assessment and an in-person interview).

Following the successful completion of the psychological exam, hearing test and vision test, the applicant will be conditionally hired based on the results of the background investigation as it continues.

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