State of Florida Self-Report Traffic Crash
Report a Crash
If you are involved in a crash involving any of the following, please stay at the scene of the crash and call 911 or our non-emergency number 727-893-7780, as required in section 316.065, Florida Statutes.
- A crash with injury;
- A crash with fatality;
- A hit and run crash;
- A DUI crash;
- A crash which requires a wrecker to remove the vehicle;
- A crash which requires a wrecker to remove the vehicle;
- A crash where apparent damage is at least $500.00.
Self-Report a Crash
Drivers in minor crashes may be able to self-report a crash.
The State of Florida allows citizens to self-report minor crashes that occur on private property directly to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. The requirements for self-reporting a crash are:
- The crash occurs in a parking lot or on privately owned property
- The apparent damage amount is not above $500.00 and
- The crash does not fall in to one of the categories above that require you to call law enforcement.