Release posted on 09-27-22 at 9:49 a.m.
Today at noon, Public Works Director Claude Tankersley will provide an update on the City's sewer and water system and provide urgent information to the public on what they can do to assist during the storm.
He will be at the Southwest Water Treatment Plant, 3800 54th Ave. South. We will do the press conference outside the Operations building, weather permitting.
Since 2016, the City has spent 400 million dollars in replacing old pipes and improving and modernizing our wastewater and stormwater system. However, with the possibility of a 10-15 foot storm surge and possible 20 inches of rain, we need to make an urgent plea to the public.
The City of St. Petersburg Facebook page will livestream the press conference.
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St. Petersburg Police Media Relations - (727) 893-7550
YOLANDA FERNANDEZ - Public Information Officer