The traffic operation located on 34 St from 5 Ave S to 5 Ave N was conducted on 12/12/18 from 7-9am. The stats for the operation are as follows:
17 moving violation citations
1 non-moving citation
3 criminal citations
4 motorist warnings
9 pedestrian warnings
1 pedestrian citation
2 warrant arrests
Previously released on 12-11-18
St. Petersburg has seen a significant increase in fatal traffic crashes this year. Forty people have died in fatal crashes on city streets so far this year, compared to 25 in 2017. To increase awareness and encourage everyone to slow down and pay attention, police will deploy a special traffic enforcement operation from Wednesday, December 12th thru Friday, December 14th, targeting 34th Street from 5th Avenue South to 5th Avenue North.
Any media interested in covering any of the following enforcements, please contact Yolanda Fernandez 727-742-9970.
- Wednesday: Traffic Enforcement of all traffic violations from 7a.m.- 9a.m.
- Thursday: Kick-off the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign. The SPPD DUI unit will target impaired and distracted drivers from 7p.m.- 10p.m.
- Friday: High Visibility Enforcement focusing on vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian violations, from 10a.m. - 2p.m.
Signs will be up as well on 34th St.:
-Speed Awareness Monitors (tell people how fast they are going) -Variable Message Boards (digital signs will warn motorists to slow down)
St. Petersburg Police Media Relations - (727) 893-7550
YOLANDA FERNANDEZ - Public Information Officer